Our CEO Ting is invited to share OmniEyes technologies and products in 2022 Nivida GTC
內政部和交通部日前共同主持了一場「路口安全大執法」記者會,將針對多項重點路口違規行為展開強力取締行動,希望駕駛能更注意行車與行人安全,讓台灣擺脫行人地獄的臭名。警政署也立即宣布從5/1日起針對「路口不停讓行人」、「非號誌化路口未依標誌、標線、號誌停車再開」、 「人行道違規停車與違規臨時停車」、 「取締道路障礙」以及「汽機車闖紅燈及紅燈右轉」等五大重點加強取締,取締重點之罰款更高達7200 元。有別於被動的視野輔助系統或是現有的行車距離或車道偏移等ADAS技術,動見科技早在2020年就完成研發相關技術,透過即時的AI與影像識別技術,著重路口的行車安全,無縫整合至車隊管理系統中,成為商業駕駛在長工時、高時間壓力的工作環境中,保障行車與行人安全的最佳夥伴。OmniEyes MyFleet行車監控系統提供了多項強大功能,如準確偵測汽車不停讓行人、非號誌化路口未依標誌或標線停車再開、闖紅燈等違規行為。這些功能提供實時偵測,並在不干擾駕駛的前提下,適時醒駕駛人遵守交通規範,確保每個路口的安全。此外,OmniEyes MyFleet系統還能準確偵測和記錄駕駛自身之路口違停、逆向違停、公車格停靠站違停等阻礙交通的行為。這些違規行為不僅危險,還會對其他駕駛及路人帶來致命危險。OmniEyes通過實時偵測,提供完整的違規影像,主動協助車隊管理者有效地的掌握車隊安全與成本,並透過MyFleet Driver Coaching 平台,系統性地對駕駛人進行安全教育,提高他們的意識和素養。文明行車和守護路口安全需要政府、執法機構、技術公司、駕駛人和行人的共同參與、共同的努力。在即將展開的全國「路口安全大執法」行動中, OmniEyes MyFleet行車安全管理系統將成為所有商業車隊的最佳選擇,讓我們一起守護道路交通,共同為路口安全努力。
明志科大結合台塑貨運致力推動 零碳動力商用電動貨卡產業生態系
明志科技大學與台塑貨運公司聯手成立「智慧載具創業加速器」,聚焦「綠能科技」領域之電動車相關產業,推動零碳動力商用電動貨卡產業生態系。今(10月27日)於明志科大智慧載具研發中心舉辦「智慧載具創業加速器技術交流會」,展示大企業扶植培育新創公司的成果,並進行合同興股份有限公司車輛捐贈儀式,由該公司總經理林正暐代表捐贈2.5噸貨車供團隊研究開發。明志科大校長劉祖華表示,感謝合同興的慷慨捐贈,相信透過產學合作激盪多元火花,為台灣綠能發展做出貢獻。綠能減碳潮流席捲全球,智慧載具發展受各界矚目,國產開發市場更是方興未艾。台塑貨運陳勝光顧問提到,台塑貨運一向遵循兩位創辦人「永續經營、奉獻社會」的理念,除了深耕電動貨卡整車研究發展外,也善盡提攜培育將來次系統供應鏈廠商,透過夥伴的建立來加強未來的合作關係。明志科大智慧載具研發中心主任鄭榮和講座教授說明,台灣在電動車三電系統製造上已有一定水準,惟仍欠缺整合複雜系統的人才與經驗,且高功率、高扭矩的三電次系統尚待開發;透過台塑貨運帶頭,引領中小企業合力開發,並由明志科大智載中心測試驗證,建立完整循環,運用在推動零碳動力商用電動貨卡產業生態系。進駐智慧載具創業加速器的新創企業也在本次活動現場展示各項培育成果,包括打造模組化電動輕型載具相關電子/電控/互聯系統的航銓科技股份有限公司、專精三電系統整合車架設計的乘號股份有限公司、擁有高安全性與長壽命模組化電池組的壹鼎運成股份有限公司、擅長交通工具智慧電能化雲軟硬系統整合的湛積股份有限公司,以及推出AI影像分析車隊管理平台的「OmniEyes | 動見科技」。參與交流會的廠商多為高階主管,他們表示,除了專業領域的合作,也獲取台塑貨運經營管理策略等相關收穫,對自身企業未來整體發展提供助益,會中並就研發、技術等進行深度交流,成果豐碩。
Is self-driving AI a tech breakthrough, a dream, or an eradication of pleasure?
Reuters reported exclusively on Oct 26 that the US Department of Justice has probed into a series of car crashes involving Tesla's self-driving system. The marketing hype over self-driving technology has not died down; however, many suppliers and AI companies have recently voiced different opinions on the future of autonomous cars.An interesting debate over whether we would still be able to enjoy the pleasure of owning and driving a car was brought to one of the panel talks at the Paris Motor Show last week. A study conducted by Michelin Group and market research company Kantar was cited as saying that the younger generation in Europe now see cars not merely as vehicles but as mobility services.People buy cars for the image it represents, but that might no longer be the case in the decades to come. Michelin VP Erik Grab said the study showed that young people do not find pleasure in driving or owning a car but rather find pleasure in using mobility services, autonomous or not.Grab said, it will be another type of pleasure.Technology-wise, popular opinion seems to be that autonomy without constraints will not happen anytime soon. Denso CTO has said so; Stellantis CTO has said so. Autonomous cars, instead, could see a more promising future with constraint mobility services and cross-state truck and trailer transportation.Human-in-a-system problemFrom an AI company's perspective, the reason why governments keep self-driving cars strictly regulated is that before a full autonomy could happen, there will always be a human interference, and to handle partial self-driving and partial human driving in a realistic environment becomes problematic.It will take decades for the transportation system to go from 100% human driving to 100% pure autonomous driving, so the transitional period is the hardest part.Taiwan-based driving-AI company OmniEyes said the awareness of danger is something that can't be synthesized by robots. The awareness of danger is an abstract sense that should flash through the human minds within milliseconds as well as a highly complicated mechanism too difficult for AI to learn or mimic.Liability for fatal crashes related to self-driving will also be hard to determine.Ned Curic, Stellantis CTO, said unconstraint self-driving is a 「human-in-a-system problem」. In the aerospace industry, autonomous vehicle was a rudimentary technology that has been under development. However, with better technology, better optics, better systems, better sensors, and better processing capabilities, it is still not the way to solve autonomy, Curic said.Some argued that the complexity of variables in a human-led transport environment could be more clearly captured and detected by a lidar (light-detection and ranging) system. Lidar is still not a 「silver bullet」 for autonomous driving, said OmniEyes CEO Ting Chou.One thing that auto parts manufacturers, including lidar makers, have been saying tirelessly is that there will not be a one-size solution that fits all the problem sets. The automotive sector, the space sector, the agricultural sector, or the military sector - whoever inclined to solve autonomy will have to find a sort of multimodal sensor fusion to get around some of the mobility challenges.According to Veoneer, a Sweden-headquartered American-Swedish automotive technology provider, lidars for high-volume applications, such as autonomous vehicles, need to fulfill following requirements: low cost, light weight, low power consumption, small package, recyclable, and have enough resolution to support car range.Tesla's full self-driving (FSD) features have been improving and reaching more and more drivers. The carmaker said earlier this month that it has shipped the FSD beta software to more than 160,000 drivers as of this year. The technology, meanwhile, has also drawn attention from the US Federal government.According to Reuters on Oct 26, the Justice Department prosecutors in Washington and San Francisco are 「examining whether Tesla misled consumers, investors and regulators by making unsupported claims about its driver assistance technology's capabilities」.While turning cars into our personal AI-drivers is unlikely for the foreseeable future, self-driving technology could be more widely adopted by robotaxi or long-hail truck fleets because routing for robotaxis in urban areas and long-haul logistics via well-structured highways are relatively simple and limited.Mobility-as-a-ServiceAlthough Tesla seems to have successfully built up techies' hope with a free-running self-driving car, mobility services will be the most practical aspects for suppliers, software developers, and car OEMs to consider.E-mobility could create even more possibilities for the society than self-driving cars. Enriching mobility services provided with electric, intelligent cars, such as shared mobility, will be a solid path to take, and it will require increasing cooperation within the auto industry.The auto industry will need an eco-systemic approach to develop MaaS. Eric Feunteun, COO of Software Republique at Renault Group, pointed out that 「none of the big issue we have in our industry or in the mobility industry can be solved in the silo of the tier-2, tier-1, OEMs, and dealers.」He continued that the big challenge needs new form of cooperation from both directly and indirectly from the value chain. As soon as we agree that we cannot overcome the challenges alone, it leads us naturally to cooperate.
The stories behind being both entrepreneur and professor - how Omnieyes becomes the eyes of fleets
In 2017, Value Creation Programs for Start-up Teams in Universities (VCPSTU) selected Chou and other two professors at NTU, AC Pang and Shou-De Lin, to organize a startup with high potential in research. Two years later, in 2019, they established Omnieyes.「VCPSTU fulfilled my desire to be an entrepreneur and broadened my startup journey,」 said Chou.MyFleet: First AI-based fleet management solution in Taiwan to lower the costs caused by dangerous driving or accidentsCommercial fleets in Taiwan usually rely on different equipment and systems such as GPS, dashboard cameras, and ADAS (advanced driver-assistance system) to manage their drivers. However, MyFleet can provide its main services - Visual-based Violation Detection(ViViD), OmniGuard, and DriverCare - with one piece of equipment, AI Box, which comes with a unique built-in edge AI computing technology.Vivid can directly detect whether the driver violates traffic rules such as running a red light and driving without respecting the road markings. Regarding OmniGuard, it provides not only an ADAS warning system but also red light and intersection reminders. If the clients buy an optional driver-facing camera, they can detect drivers’ behaviors immediately by DriverCare to prevent driver fatigue or distraction.「Video-based fleet management solutions have been developed for years around the world. However, the data shows that neither dashboard cameras nor ADAS lowers major accidents,」 said Chou.Why can’t these systems and equipment prevent traffic accidents effectively? First, drivers can’t watch the monitor or screen while driving. Moreover, they usually ignore the annoying beeping alerts.「As a result, MyFleet not only provides all-around reminders to drivers by OmniGuard but also detects if the driver follows the rules after the warning. For instance, if the driver still runs a red light after receiving the warning from OmniGuard, ViViD would detect the violation immediately, providing both advance warnings and follow-up to lower accidents effectively.」 shared Chou.The Prosperous Future and Potential of OmnieyesRecently, Omnieyes declared that they completed Series A financing of USD$5 million. The investors range from strategic to financial, such as Wistron Digital Technology, Sunsino Venture Group, and Darwin Venture Management. Moreover, existing investors such as Fubon Financial Holding Venture Capital and Angel Investment of National Development Fund are increasing their investments.Chou stated that this round of fundraising aims at not only the growth of market share in the Taiwan market but also the expansion in Southeast Asia, Japan, and North America markets. Moreover, an Indian client also decided to subscribe the service of Omnieye’s primary product, MyFleet, the first AI-based fleet management solution in Taiwan, contributing to revenue in Q1 2023.Even though MyFleet solves most pain points that every commercial fleet meets, introducing this whole-new product into the market wasn’t easy.「Our customers all appreciated our product, but the price is always an issue for adopting new technology,」 shared Chou. Furthermore, by sharing the statistic of accident rate and amount of settlements almost 80% reduction in 2021 - their clients are now happy about the return on investment.What is next? Omnieyes International Expansion Plan.After getting through the challenges in the early stage, Omnieyes is finally on the right track and preparing to expand into international markets such as India, Southeast Asia, Japan, and North America.However, introducing MyFleet into international markets is a new challenge. 「The first step is always the most difficult」, said Chou, 「Every country has its driving habits and traffic environment. For example, in India, the traffic lights are vertical while the ones in Taiwan are horizontal. In this case, the existing model may miss-detect some traffic lights, so some local optimization will be needed to fit in the local environment and regulations.」As a result, Omnieyes cooperates with the overseas branches of its investors by utilizing their local connections. For instance, Omnieyes cooperates with the Indian branch of Wistron, its investor, to localize its product in the Indian market and successfully beats the local competitors.Any plans in other countries? 「Southeast Asia would be our next important step. Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam have various commercial fleets. Still, novel fleet management system hasn’t been widely used.」 said Chou, 「however, local partners are still the key to success.」
OmniEyes detects dangerous driving behavior for commercial fleet management and positions to provide DaaS
While ADAS has become the third eye of human drivers that produces real-time, in-cabin alerts using low-latency edge AI, commercial fleet managers seem to need a more powerful tool to track traffic violations that could result in fatality and harm fleet
エッジAI技術活用で交通の安全性高める台湾・オムニアイズの「 MyFleet 」
動見科技宣布完成500萬美元(約為新台幣1.39億元)的A輪募資,投資人涵蓋策略型與財務型包含緯創數技、華陽創投與達盈創投,既有投資人富邦金創與國發天使基金也持續加碼。動見科技執行長暨創辦人周俊廷表示,本輪募資除了用在加速擴大動見科技在台灣市場之能見度與市占率之外,更重要的是布局東南亞、日本與北美市場。動見科技的旗艦產品MyFleet車隊管理系統,也甫獲得印度與加拿大客戶青睞與採用,在今年上半年就可以開始貢獻營收。有別於一般商用車隊管理依賴GPS、行車與環景影像紀錄或是先進駕駛輔助警示(ADAS)等各式硬體設備與功能來管理車隊,MyFleet車隊管理系統透過單一AI Box設備與鏡頭,搭配獨家的邊緣AI影像運算,即可提供客戶3大管理功能:Visual-based Violation Detection(ViViD)、OmniGuard與DriverCare。ViViD可即時偵測駕駛是否闖紅燈、路口不停、違規左右轉或是未依標線行駛等各項重大違規;OmniGuard除了提供現有市面常見的ADAS警示如前車碰撞警示或車道偏移外,更導入闖紅燈預警與路口減速提醒等全新功能。若是額外選擇對內鏡頭,客戶即可透過DriverCare偵測駕駛包含疲勞、未繫安全帶或是分心等行為,提醒司機或是派遣中心讓駕駛即時休息以防止意外發生。動見科技執行長周俊廷表示:「無論是國內或較新進的北美市場,都不乏透過影像與AI技術進行車隊管理的產品,但是經過近幾年的市場驗證,被動的影像紀錄或較主動的ADAS警示,都無法有效的降低重大事故數目。」最大關鍵在於司機一方面無暇分心注意輔助影像,另一方面也選擇無視擾人的語音警示,所以常見儘管有超速提醒,但司機依然故我地超速。周俊廷進一步表示:「MyFleet除了透過OmniGuard更全方位的提醒司機外,更重要的是經由ViViD來偵測警示後駕駛的即時反應。舉例來說,若是MyFleet已針對接近紅燈路口提供警示而司機仍然選擇忽略並闖越該路口,則ViViD會即時偵測該違規駕駛行為,達到事前警示、事後追蹤的有效管理,真正達成行車事故的降低。」後疫情時代,越來越多的消費與購買行為都在線上完成,但是商品或是食物依然得透過實體物流的配送才能送到消費者手上。電子商務、物流與倉儲業者迎來極大的商機,但都面臨嚴重的缺工問題。物流人員除了面臨老化問題,車隊還要面對各種新型共享乘車與美食外送以彈性工時吸引物流司機轉業,因此如何一方面以更優渥的薪資與安全的工作環境吸引新血加入,一方面也得解決新進人員因工作銜接與經驗不足產生的配送效率問題。動見科技除了行車相關的的產品功能外,也將有經驗的專業司機配送貨物的know-how,以AI方式進行萃取後傳承經驗。周俊廷表示:「最後一哩路的配送效率在於停車點的選擇,一般以送貨地址進行路徑規畫根本劃錯重點。」有經驗的司機可以依據當日配送的貨物,根據其經驗選擇最適合的停車點,有時候一個停車點可以配送多個不同送貨地址的商品,而某些送貨地址根本不適合停車,透過影像與AI,動見科技攜手客戶打造老司機的數位分身,讓車隊管理不再只是安全的輔助工具,更是提升車隊效率的利器。放眼未來,動見科技將從商業車隊的行車安全出發,透過深耕蓬勃發展的物流與倉儲產業,快速且持續打造符合商業奢對所需的成長及提升效率產品,目標是在物流與倉儲生態圈中,扮演關鍵的全方案解決供應商(total solution provider)角色。
OmniEyes | 動見科技完成公司A輪募資
本輪募資涵蓋策略型與財務型投資者,包含緯創數技、華陽創投與達盈創投,而既有之投資者富邦金創與國發天使基金也持續加碼,顯示看好未來公司在人工智慧(AI)、邊緣運算與車載應用等領域的發展動能與潛力。有別於一般商用車隊管理依賴GPS、行車與環景影像紀錄或是先進駕駛輔助系統(ADAS)等各式硬體設備與功能來管理車隊,MyFleet車隊管理系統透過單一AI Box設備與鏡頭,搭配獨家的邊緣AI影像運算,即可提供客戶三大管理功能包含Visual-based Violation Detection (ViViD),OmniGuard與DriverCare。其中ViViD可即時偵測駕駛包含闖紅燈、路口不停、違規左右轉或是未依標線行駛等各項重大違規,OmniGuard除了提供現有市面常見的ADAS警示如前車碰撞警示或車道偏移外,更導入闖紅燈預警與路口減速提醒等全新功能。若是額外選擇對內鏡頭,客戶即可透過DriverCare偵測駕駛包含疲勞,未繫安全帶或是分心等行為,提醒司機或是派遣中心提供駕駛即時休息以防止意外發生。後疫情時代全球的工作與消費型態,有了巨大且不可逆轉的改變,越來越多的消費與購買行為都在線上完成,但是商品或是食物依然得透過實體物流的配送才能送到消費者手上,這樣的改變對電子商務、物流與倉儲業者帶來極大的商機,也提供動見科技這類新創公司成長的動能。但是物流與倉儲業者的挑戰才剛要開始,無論是物流乃至倉儲產業都面臨嚴重的缺工問題,專業司機除了面臨老化的問題,車隊還要面對各種新型共享乘車與美食外送以彈性工時吸引物流司機轉業,因此如何一方面以更優渥的薪資與安全的工作環境吸引新血加入,一方面也得解決新進人員因工作銜接與經驗不足產生的配送效率問題。放眼未來,動見科技以其邊緣AI與即時運算的技術核心為基礎,從商業車隊的行車安全出發,透過深耕蓬勃發展的物流與倉儲產業,快速且持續打造符合客戶營運成長與提升效率的各項產品,在此生態圈中扮演關鍵的全方案解決供應商(total solution provider)角色。目前動見科技也正加速擴編,除了搬遷至大安區仁愛圓環的全新辦公室,為員工打造舒適又有活力的辦公環境外,同時也希望能吸引更多頂尖的專業人才加入行列,共同拓展營業版圖,讓動見科技觸及全世界。
OmniEyes aims to help with advanced AI technology. Traditional industries are facing the challenge from digital transformation
The throes of digital transformation have been the reason why many industries feel hesitant about intellectualization.OmniEyes has contributed to provide highly accessible and efficient solution. We hope to help every industry to keep the pace with technology, or even bring vibrancy to each industry in this post-epidemic era.
Combining AI with fleet management, OmniEyes and Pelican are building up intellectualized logistics
Myfleet is a video-based fleet management system. It has the highest maturity among all OmniEyes. We combined edge AI computing with IoT to build Myfleet. It can detect and grasp drivers’ behaviors, such as idling, illegal parking, or running red lights etc. Moreover, the violation records are saved in videos, not only updated to cloud, but also provided to the AIoT control center for companies to search and monitor.Myfleet reduce the companies’risks of paying extra operation cost or losing corporate image.
Disruptive innovation OmniEyes subverts existed industry model to build up real-time city view video platform.
Nowadays, startups are the trends shape the 2020s, as one of them, OmniEyes has disruptive technology and business model. We bring a new solution to the industry while subverting the existed pattern. With edge computing and video sensor, we share the collected video/image with the third parties.Consequently, we give the profits to the logistics. This win-win result eventually proved the shared value of video/image data
To knock down the wall! Mobile vehicles disperse the ownership of city information
In this generation, sometimes we are torn between privacy and convenience. Most of us choose the privacy over shared profits. However, OmniEyes pictures the vision of “ shared video/images”.We hope to find the balance between personal and public profits. After we analyze the street-view data collected by commercial logistics, we share with third-party for further application. Eventually we can make“Smart city” come true.
Driver behaviors reflect on the road videos__OmniEyes helps logistics strengthen the fleet management
With the advance of technology and video, the existed common fleet management system was already not able to cover all perspectives for the users. OmniEyes provides a solution which helps completely grasp driver behaviors.Moreover, the real-time videos are saved in cloud as strong evidences for further punishment.
The entrepreneur walks out from the laboratory. A mobile video solution developed by a professor in NTU, won the CES innovation award
Since the establishment of the company in 2017, OmniEyes has recruited many outstanding teammates. We keep seeking more exposure opportunities in order to maximize our potential . Videos “Uberization” is a concept proposed by OmniEyes CEO Ting.In this era of the advancement in image technology, we hope every logistics industry and fleet to have a more ideal fleet management system. Meanwhile, every related industry can benefit from the image/video shared platform.
Our CEO Ting is invited to share OmniEyes technologies and products in 2022 Nivida GTC
AIoT Enables Intelligent Transportation Safety and EfficiencyIncreased transportation safety and efficiency are the key benefits of intelligent transportation. In this session, we will explore recent industry developments and trends before introducing the latest intelligent transportation solutions. These innovative offerings include roadside units, in-vehicle AI technologies, and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) that can be integrated into intelligent transportation solution packages aimed at improving driving safety
智慧交通生態系前景看好 ADAS不可獲缺
先進輔助駕駛系統(ADAS)能夠大幅提升交通安全,能預防40%交通意外,無論是電動車或自駕車對ADAS的需求都逐漸提高。據高盛(Goldman Sachs)統計,未來10年內90%新車將會配置ADAS,預期自駕系統成為汽車標配的速度可能比電動車普及更加快速,ADAS配備中的晶片、感測器等半導體元件需求也將倍數增加,產業人士認為ADAS半導體的價值也會隨之成長。對此,交通服務龍頭台灣大車隊近日表示,不只要做交通服務生態圈、生活密碼平台,更期能完善智慧交通應用,因此與動見科技合作ADAS,透過行車記錄器的影像、AI技術訓練機器的判斷能力,進而分析駕駛行為是否違規,此外提供路徑最佳化分析,達到油耗節省。產業人士認為,台灣大車隊意識到ADAS未來前景,因此現在在車隊上鋪路,此外車聯網將是智慧交通重要環節。動見科技如此作為期能提供車隊管理中心,有效提升城市交通安全。台灣大車隊表示,目前車隊2.2萬車中約有50輛裝機,2022年與動見科技將擴大合作的計畫,但是車輛數字和規模尚未確定,仍在洽談中。此外,台灣大車隊目前與某家圖資新創合作中,進行行車道路影像收集。事實上,ADAS是智慧交通的必要藍圖,常見的胎壓偵測、倒車警示、偏離軌道警示,皆能透過車上與車輛周圍的感測器,偵測車輛運作情況,再進行資訊進行系統分析。據了解,目前投入車用ADAS者,多是車用環景系統、影像感測器與車用晶片相關業者。供應鏈業者指出,ADAS雖為未來車用系統必要的技術之一,但相關業者仍需面對三大課題,包括如何管理在低階系統、較便宜車輛的成本?如何將自駕系統的數據套用於ADAS?在軟體定義汽車(SDV)下,如何管理ADAS?至於ADAS商機,台灣智慧駕駛執行董事、市場開發總監劉宜鑫表示,慢速車是業者很好切入的載具。台灣道路環境豐富,雖地幅小但人稠緊密,能夠成為切入相同類型地區的試驗場域。台灣智慧駕駛2022年營運重點是慢速車輛如高爾夫球車的智慧駕駛營運、服務,未來會繼續朝自動駕駛之路線繼續前進, Level 2、3將是產品標配。此外,台灣智慧駕駛將往該產品的上、下游發展,上游是把智慧駕駛系統套件賣給製造慢速車輛的業者,也就是慢速車整車廠,外銷佔比也不斷成長。下游部分,也有與不同領域業者合作,如遊樂園經營管理者,提供慢速車營運服務。
台灣大車隊(2640)近年來加速推動數位科技發展,運用乘車大數據,大數據事業發展處協理林念臻本月受邀參加經濟部工業局舉辦之「2021數據創新發表會」,與國內知名企業PChome網路家庭技術長暨副總經理陳俊仰、台灣家樂福數位科技處長丁平碩等科技先進,共同分享數據運用的重要性及未來發展趨勢。大車隊特別感謝經濟部工業局推動的「數據創新服務生態系推動計畫」舉辦「2021數據創新發表會」促進大型企業與新創團隊交流,吸引更多科技相關人才,創造企業間大數據運用合作機會,建立數據新服務。林念臻在會中分享與新創團隊合作的案例,如何以多重數據混搭打造AI熱點預測模型,也談到可以成為場域提供者與合作夥伴共同創造企業雙贏的案例。過程中談到與動見科技新創團隊合作車上裝攝影機進行「交通影像識別」,24小時蒐集路上資料做影像辨識,將此應用在ADAS功能減少車隊司機車禍事故發生,且透過AI分析協助車隊司機行車安全升級,還可以降低保險費用。大車隊乘車大數據不僅能協助智慧城市設計與規劃,熱門景點探查、交通旅遊行程安排,人潮熱點挖掘;同時能協助商圈發展規劃,以及大專院校課程教學運用等,期待各領域專家異業結盟合作,從中建立新的預測與分析模型,創造新的商業模式與應用,帶動國內數位創新與產業升級。台灣大車隊目前有2.2萬台車,每台車每天行駛平均12小時,全年無休,計程車上裝設GPS,同時,TO Life車載媒體網路傳輸設備齊全,除配置4G行動網路、無線網路、藍牙、NFC等,透過開放資訊平台,提供新創團隊有機會可以透過大車隊的資源去驗證技術或商業模式。「台灣大車隊AI技術預測叫車熱點」服務即是近期大數據應用的最佳實務案例,整合台灣大車隊十多年、每年近8,000萬趟的乘車大數據,進行時間、地點、天氣等因素分析,打造乘客搭乘計程車的「叫車熱點」和黃金「載客熱區」預測服務,透過在雲端上建立資料倉儲,以視覺化分析工具,整合不同屬性與用途的系統參數,準確率高達90%,不僅提供車隊司機節能及精準載客,降低空車率,減少碳排放量,也減少司機油耗成本,載客不再只靠運氣,此應用服務因此榮獲《2021創新商務獎》「最佳技術創新獎」的肯定,台灣大車隊也期待未來能與更多新創合作夥伴共創全新商業模式與價值。
華陽創投聚焦 5G、AI 新創,助台灣隱藏獨角獸大放異彩
華陽創投集團專注於投資早期新創團隊,重點關注 5G、AI 應用、物聯網產業,以 AI 影像自動辨識及機器學習技術為競爭優勢的動見科技(OmniEyes)創業早期即獲得華陽創投資金注入,成立兩年多來已創造令人驚豔的市場佳績。動見打造即時駕駛違規偵測、動態圖資及即時街景的影像平台,旗下的行動影像解決方案已受國際品牌和各大業者的青睞,宅配通、中華電信、台灣大車隊 皆使用其 AI 影像解決方案,大幅提升城市的用路安全,並顛覆現有的車隊管理、圖資、即時搜尋的商業模式。華陽創投王韋中董事長表示,邊緣運算、人工智慧和 5G 正在全球快速發展,台灣擁有許多優秀的 5G 與 AI 的創新型事業,尤其台灣科技業硬體實力深厚,若能透過 AI、機器學習,在台灣傳統強項的硬體產業導入軟體技術,軟硬結合,創造全新價值,搶佔市場先機,台灣將可以在國際上維持競爭優勢以及保持在全球產業供應鏈的關鍵地位。動見科技由三位台大教授共同創辦,前身為 「科技部價創計畫」團隊,華陽長年支持科技部新創團隊,看好具豐富研究學術背景的創業團隊,研發創新技術更為紮實和前瞻,華陽提供資金、人脈等經營資源;協助對接產業上下游;促成商業各類合作;提供經營決策建議,協助團隊快速成長、加速推動規模化。期待動見科技將成功經驗複製到其他海外市場,展露頭角,讓全世界看見台灣厚實的技術實力。華陽創投將持續支持 5G 生態系統的培育及擴展,協助創新創業發展,扶助台灣新創成功與國際化。
動見科技受邀參與「2021臺灣創新技術博覽會(TIE)」 於2021/10/14日盛大展出
2021臺灣創新技術博覽會(TIE) 於14日盛大展出。其中創新領航館除了技術展示,更集結國際論壇、技術發表會等豐富多樣的精采內容。動見科技將會在創新領航館的國際區,展示我們的MyFleet--AI車隊管理解決方案。MyFleet提供網頁式的管理後台,可支援不同平台(手機、平板、筆記型或桌上電腦)與作業系統(Windows、Android、iOS與Linux)的操作需求,讓管理者可隨時隨地掌握車隊的最新動態,同時各項服務皆可提供API進行跨系統的串接,能依據車隊的營運需求,進行遠端開通/更新/停用各項客製化功能。這次線上展的操作介面非常直覺、簡便,參觀者在登入會員後,可以由創新領航館進入國際區,透過搜索「OmniEyes」,即可進入動見科技的展區。展區設有專屬影音牆,參觀者可以透過影像更加了解我們的視覺導航系統,以及行動影像辨識技術。線上展網址:https://tievirtual.twtm.com.tw
宅配服務夯!台灣宅配通升級雙管齊下:導入 AI 管理車隊、向外擴展業務
近年電商蓬勃發展,其中物流服務作為電商消費的「最後一哩路」,無疑是最關鍵的角色之一,如今又逢疫情更是推升宅配需求,受惠於網購比率大增,台灣宅配通今年營運表現亮眼,第二季單季淨利年增 4 成。然而,雖繳出優異的營收成績單,台灣宅配通總經理徐慶懿坦承物流業仍然有各種挑戰,自有車隊多,外出時出的狀況也跟著變多,另外物流士人才招募的困境,都是物流業者不能夠忽視的營運痛點,必須想辦法解決。「行控中心就像是宅配通的心臟。」徐慶懿表示,車隊是宅配通最重要的資源,透過它可以即時了解車輛的位置和駕駛行為,避免各項事故或違規,妥善做好資源管理。「過去我們的車子在外面有違規或事故,往往要等到事發之後對造來跟公司講,我們才能處理,沒辦法及時反應。」徐慶懿回憶道,但如今,透過 AIoT 行控中心的大數據,就可以掌握駕駛員的行為分析、配達率、定位狀態、汽油耗損率等資訊。行控中心可透過動態影像識別技術,判別駕駛員是否有違規或事故的情形,若有狀況發生,系統會將影像傳送到行控中心,管理人員就能夠第一時間提醒駕駛,及時作出相應的處理,未來則希望可以做到事先預的效果,近一步保障駕駛的安全。徐慶懿說,事故發生的代價是相當高的,實際導入之後,駕駛闖紅燈的發生率降低 8 成、未停車再開的發生率也降低 7 成之多。宅配通評估,一年約可減少 500 萬元的罰單成本,效果相當顯著。未來,宅配通也期許能夠將行控中心的成功經驗複製到倉庫系統中,透過 AI 來獲得揀貨、倉儲使用率的即時數據,將智慧物流的概念擴展至倉儲上。同時,徐慶懿也指出,在硬體自動化的轉型上,宅配通會持續佈局,包含電動載具、揀貨機器人等設備,以解決物流人才逐漸短缺的挑戰。除了進一步實現全時全域之彈性運行及動態佈建各樣的管理功能之外,宅配通也努力在服務內容上求新求變。徐慶懿表示,目前宅配通已與郵政系統合作,推出「i 郵箱」服務,解決物流送貨過程中因為無人在家,造成需要多次配送而徒增成本的痛點;i郵箱的自助取件服務模式,讓民眾可以在自己有空的時間,就近到郵局取件,提升便利性。在機場配送這塊,宅配通也提供宅配行李、伴手禮等服務,從消費者需求端出發,衍生出多樣的服務。另外,未來宅配通也會積極與電商物流合作,提供客戶倉配一體、代採購、宅配安裝等多項客製化服務,擴大服務項目。徐慶懿指出,疫情下人們的消費模式改變,對配送效率的要求提升,從產業面可以明顯觀察到外送業務強勢崛起,因此宅配通也沒放過這個商機,目前已經試行區域短鏈、美食外送等快速配送服務。他認為,宅配通不會像外送平台一樣採取派遣、共享的模式,而是採用既有的車隊和物流士,延續宅配貨車共配的概念,降低短線配送的運送成本,換句是說,宅配通跟其他平台相比,運費將會更低一些。「未來宅配的需求肯定是會不斷上揚。」徐慶懿樂觀看待物流業前景,但需求增加也代表消費者對服務的品質要求更多。宅配通內部透過數位轉型,積極導入新科技,讓物流管理和執行智能化,優化營運上的每個節點;對外則拓展業務範圍,在各個面向都能滿足消費者的需求,雙管齊下。「我們希望能在這波浪潮上,更加站穩腳步。」徐慶懿如此說道。
OmniEyes had raised series A funding round USD5m in 2021 Q3.
OmniEyes had raised series A funding round USD5m in 2021 Q3 and was led by Wistron Digital Technology Holding Company, with participation from Sunsino group, Fubon Financial Holding Venture and Darchan Venture. The funding will support market expansion and team growth.
The first AI Certified Driver was presented in Changhua on May 7, 2021
Omnieyes’ first AI Certified Driver reward system expects to use rewards instead of penalties, to create a safer traffic environment with drivers. It uses AI image recognition to identify driving violations, such as running a red light, driving without stopping, etc., and score driving at the end of each month. The fewer violations the higher score, and the highest scorer can be AI Certified Driver.The system has been implemented in the first and one of the largest logistics fleets in Taiwan - Pelican Express, and the first AI Certified driver in Taiwan was awarded at the Changhua branch on May 7, 2021. In addition to the award of the certificate and the $2,000 reward, the recognition provides AI Certified Driver medals, so that drivers can stick on the door of the car for everyone to recognize, demonstrating the honor of Excellent Driving.
OmniEyes held a Team Building
In the team building activity, the team tried to visualize the corporate culture through a simple puzzle game.OmniEyes corporate culture includes 「Transparent」、「Connected」 and 「Flexible」.「Transparent 」 means that OmniEyes is open and honest about its plans and operations, and its employees are also open and honest with one another and with customers/partners too.「 Connected 」 means that we act/interact in a synchronous and timely manner within the company and with clients/partners.「 Flexible 」 means that every team member is willing to and capable of continually learning and adapting to a changing market.The three corporate cultures of 「Transparent」、「Connected」 and 「Flexible」, are being established via the creative brainstorming.
OmniEyes just completed hardware and software integration, followed by a series of rigorous road testing.
OmniEyes has been working closely with the world's leading industrial computer artner to strengthen its strategy in the global transportation market. To fulfill the needs from the partner’s clients in Southeast Asia for driving safety compliance including detection of red light running, no stop at stop sign, illegal left/right turn, illegal parking at red curbs, and illegal parking on crosswalk, OmniEyes just completed hardware and software integration, followed by a series of rigorous road testing. It is expected that the in-house demo and field verification in Taiwan will be completed by the end of the first quarter, and the localization test in Southeast Asia region before the end of this year.
2021 World Telecom Smart City Conference Session II : Towards a 5G Smart City Future
OmniEyes will showcase its latest solutions for the smart city in the coming Smart City Expo at Booth(P213A).The theme of 2021 World Telecom Smart City Conference is “Towards a 5G x AIoT Future”. By involving the telecom giants and their insights from past experience in building smart cities and diverse solutions, we aim to gather the world’s pace and shed light on the future opportunities. In one parallel forum, which is organized by Chunghwa Telecom with the theme of “5G x AIoT Smart City and Global IoT Application”, global telecom operators and professionals will be invited to share their experience of applying 5G network in all kinds of innovations Taiwan.Link:https://smartcityonline.org.tw/forum_detail.php?id=ad61ab143223efbc24c7d2583be69251Time:2021/03/25(Thu) 14:30-17:30(GMT+8)Venue:TaiNEX 2, Room 701E
2021 World Telecom Smart City Conference Session II : Towards a 5G Smart City Future
OmniEyes will showcase its latest solutions for the smart city in the coming Smart City Expo at Booth(P213A).Time:2021/03/25(Thu) 14:30-17:30(GMT+8)Venue:TaiNEX 2, Room 701E
Tesla ran a red light
This is why OmniEyes is promoting the idea of double-shield protection. The existing ADAS, referred to inner-shield protection, focuses on avoiding collision with cars nearby. However, more accidents are taking places everyday if the vehicle is not smart enough to interact with the infrastructure. The good news is that everyone can get the so-called outer-shield protection to avoid running a red light, wrong way, making illegal U-turs, etc without buying a Tesla. Check out how OmniGaurd protects you and learn more about Double-Shield Armor Protection.The existing ADAS uses cameras to detect surrounding cars and their relative movement/speed/position. By doing so, collision-avoidance like ADAS functions can be achieved without using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, which is not widely available due to the almost-impossible task of upgrading hardware for all of the cars on the road.Using a similar idea but pushing the limits, OmniEyes still uses cameras, however the camera detects and identifies the surrounding infrastructure, such as incoming traffic lights and its countdown.Such technology can realize proactive warnings without the need for vehicles to talk to traffic infrastructure, which would require the so-called vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication.Essentially, the interaction between cars and traffic lights is mimicked through imaging AI software without both explicitly talking to each other through any network communication.
OmniEyes CEO will also preside a panel to discuss the opportunities and challenges of 5G operator in smart city management.
The theme of 2021 World Telecom Smart City Conference is “Towards a 5G x AIoT Future”. By involving the telecom giants and their insights from past experience in building smart cities and diverse solutions, we aim to gather the world’s pace and shed light on the future opportunities. In one parallel forum, which is organized by Chunghwa Telecom with the theme of “5G x AIoT Smart City and Global IoT Application”, global telecom operators and professionals will be invited to share their experience of applying 5G network in all kinds of innovations Taiwan.
2020 Meet Taipei Startup Festival-Top 30 Neo Star
The Largest Startup Festival in Asia. This year was our second time to participate in the exhibition. OmniEyes had the honor of being selected from over 200 start-up groups as top 30 Neo Star-the most recommendable startup and having a lot potential for growth.During the three-day exhibition, we not only interacted and communicated with different start-up industries in the booth, but also took part in the DEMO show.
CHT Accelerator of 5G Presentation. OmniEyes won the Innovative applications of 5G award
The 2nd CHT(Chunghwa Telecom)Accelerator of 5G presentation. OmniEyes was selected from almost 300 startups as one of 14 groups invited to participate in the DEMO presentation.Big thanks to CHT again for having us. We also expect ourselves can move forward courageously like the continuous innovation of 5G industry in Taiwan.
AI-based fleet management became a helper. Myfleet is officially online.
Logistics drivers often violate the traffic rules in daily delivery. The traffic tickets are the huge cost for the company. Nevertheless, when it comes to the accidents, both repairment fee and medical fee are both potential crises for the companies.With AI sensor, it can help reduce the violations and fuel consumption, etc., while more accurately follow latest driver dynamics or delivery rate. My fleet is expected to help the company to save more than NTD$ 5 million a year.”said by ITTS(Information Technology Total Services) CEO, Liu Xin-Zheng.
The 7th AAMA Cradle Project-OmniEyes stands out, CEO Ting leads us a to better future
The founder of AAMA Cradle Project, Charles Yan, said that 「 Success cannot be copied, but wisdom can be passed on.」 This year was the seventh AAMA Cradle Project. Our CEO, Ting, was selected as the top 25 among more than 100 applicants. It is an honor to participate in the two-year sessions. People in the project can share and learn together with other entrepreneurial partners;of course also grow and success together. Ting will surely continue to lead OmniEyes to improve constantly.